French has several different past tenses, and the most important one is the passé composé. Just to make things interesting, it has three possible English equivalents:
French Equivalent
English Equivalent
Use Case Meaning
j’ai visité
I visited
simple past
j’ai visité
I have visited
present perfect
j’ai visité
I did visit
past emphatic
Where to use it
The passé composé is used when talking about:
Completed actions
Oui, j’ai visité le Canada.
Yes, I did visit Canada.
Il est tombé hier.
He fell yesterday.
Repeated actions
Je l’ai visité 3 fois.
I’ve visited it 3 times.
Il est encore tombé ce matin.
He fell again this morning.
Series of actions
J’ai visité le Canada et puis je suis allé aux USA.